Bloody October Replacements
“mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa.”
Last year, my first prose novel Bloody October premiered on September 29, 2015 to positive reviews and a few surprised reactions.
“This is a noir novel! Where are all the candles and velvet vampires?”
“Is John Devereux real!? Where can I meet him?”
“I didn’t know you could actually, you know, write.”
Overall, I’m pleased with the response and I look forward to continuing work on my next novel (already underway). But, there has been a problem.
The initial print run of Bloody October contains errors from an earlier draft, which should have been noticed before the files were submitted. We caught a couple and corrected them and thought all was well. In fact, I had the London office of the printer literally “stop the presses” from my hotel room in Budapest so that we could get a new run in time for the party.
The book came out. People have enjoyed it. But then, I found a few more errors. In a rage, I grabbed a red pen and opened the book from page one to inspect it one more time.
I implemented the corrections in both the new print version and the electronic printing, which is now available for the princely sum of $1.00 (or a bit more or less, depending on your country).
In short, if you purchased a copy of Bloody October before January 15th, I will replace your old copy with a corrected one free of charge.* All you have to do is e-mail me your receipt or a scan of the back of the book that shows the ISBN barcode. Send all correspondence to Those that prefer the old fashioned way can clip and mail the UPC or receipt to:
Dark Notes Press, LLC
P.O. Box 740999
New Orleans, LA 70174-0999
For those satisfied with their old copy (or anyone else, really), the e-book can be purchased here:
Amazon Kindle:
Apple iTunes Store:
Barnes and Noble Nook: TBD (technical problems being resolved)
Thank you all so much for your love and support of my work. I have another novel in the works, along with the rebooted Dead Souls graphic novel.
*Replacement copies are available for free of charge to those who purchased Bloody October. This does not apply to pre-release review or complimentary copies.
