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Kindle editions of Cradle of Filth and Tad Caldwell

The newest draft of my forthcoming vampire novel, Blood in the Streets, has been sent to the publisher for review. Pending his notes and edits (and more of my own), I've been catching up on a few projects that have remained on the backburner for far too long.

To start, both Cradle of Filth: The Curse of Venus Aversa and one of my earlier graphic novels, Tad Caldwell and the Monster Kid are now available for the Amazon Kindle. Both are enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program. If you are a subscriber, you can read them for free. Immortal: 60 will be next.

Both are available at my nascent author page at here.

For those of you unfamiliar with Tad Caldwell and the Monster Kid, it is my loving throwback to the 1980s kids-in-peril adventure movies like Goonies, Monster Squad, and E.T. I'm preparing a short retrospective piece on it to run here sometime soon.


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